Monday, November 15, 2010

What to read?

In class we read some boring book called Lord Of The Flies. (I didnt finish.) Now we are reading Leslie's Journal, Its waaaaaaaay better. So our teacher is asking us what type of book we would rather read: escapest, or interpretive fiction. I would much rather read escapest because they are way more intresting to read. Interprative fiction is just lame and boring. With escapest its much easier to relate to, with your imagination, and a much better read. That is why i would rather read it.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Joker

The joker is the most evil because he kills for fun. Its just a game to him and his profession. He enjoys watching others suffer and die. He creates ways to torchure people or use them aganst there will. He has know care for laws, and has to go against the grain to get what he wants. Like building a machine to capture everyones brian waves so he could be the smartest. So clearly this man is the most evil, of evil men.

Monday, October 18, 2010

top 3

Top three foods are obviously;

3lucky charms

1) So spaghetti is the bust beacuse almost everyone eats spaghetti
at one point in there lives, and its super quick and tastes real good.

2) Milkshakes because they are cool and refreshing. Plus you no
they taste awesome, so good that you can put a bad tasting
protene powder mix in there and still down it.

3)There the first step to a charming day.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Guilty Pleassures

One of the few thingsI might feel mildly guilty about, happend at a army cadet camp in Ottawa. We attached live frogs, to the back of targets, by pining them with nails through their hands and feet. while we were sitting at the other end of the range (600 yards away) shooting them with C-11's. So if someone got a V-bull (the best) the frog would perish. It like explodes when they get hit, its pretty cool. I feel guilty because some of those frogs had some pretty grim deaths. One frog got torn in half, and started crawling away with its front legs, but then someone ended it by dropping a weight on it. I did get caught and i got a red chit and a formal warning; if it happend again, I was going to get sent back home. Not only that but they are totally harmless, so since ill be going back next year cause I qualified again, I will prevent the futher torture of the frogs, And bring justice to there assassins.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Historic Event (an apple a day keep the doctors away... except this one)

I am the creator of Call Of Duty, I have thought of a new and fresh game that will attract the attension of many. Its a first person game and you will be a soldier, having to complete many missions, and kill many. you can also play on multi player or single player camopaigne mode. i hope eventually you will be able to play online against other people across the world.